Tooth loss can occur due to aging, injury, trauma, or oral health complications. Gaps in your mouth can affect the remaining teeth and lead to jawbone loss. Tooth loss could also have a toll on your confidence and self-esteem. You should address tooth loss immediately to restore the full functionality of your mouth. If you have several missing teeth in a single jaw, you can consider acquiring the All-on-4 or the All-on-6 dental implants to restore the look and function of your teeth. Contact Valencia Advanced Dentistry At Copperhill Smiles for reliable dental implants in Santa Clarita, CA. Our dentists use advanced technology to place titanium implants inside the jaw to anchor your artificial teeth.

Understanding All-on-4 Dental Implants

Tooth loss in adults is common. Some of the leading causes of tooth loss among adults include tooth decay, gum disease, and trauma from contact sports or accidents. You should replace lost teeth as soon as possible to prevent the loss of your jawbone. In addition to causing bone deterioration, missing teeth could also cause the deterioration of your remaining teeth. The gaps in your teeth can affect your smile and confidence. Dental implants are the standard way of replacing missing teeth. Depending on the number of missing teeth, you can have a single or multiple implants. If you have several missing teeth on one jaw, you can consider the All-on-4 implants. This option consists of four well-positioned implants to offer complete tooth replacement.

All-on-6 Dental Implants Explained

The All-on-6 dental implants, like the All-on-4 implants, come in handy for replacing multiple missing teeth in your upper or lower jaw. Your dentist uses six dental implants positioned in certain areas of your jaw. Most people opt for the All-on-4 implants. However, the All-on-6 implants are ideal if more support is needed. The dentist inserts six implants into the jawbone to serve as an anchor for artificial teeth. The leading benefit of all-on dental implants is that they offer the look and feel of natural teeth. You do not need a bone graft before receiving the All-on-6 dental implants.

What Are All-on-X Dental Implants?

All-on-X dental implants, known as edentulism, are an ideal option for people with multiple missing teeth or complete tooth loss. Unlike conventional dental implants, where the dentist places an implant for each missing tooth, the All-on-X implants utilize four to six implants per arch. All-on-X implants offer several advantages over conventional implants since they minimize the required number. Other benefits include reduced cost and treatment time.

All-on-4, All-on-6, And All-on-X Implant Materials

Your dentist can recommend all-on dental implants if conventional implants or dentures are not an option. The all-on dental implants can be made from several materials. When choosing the ideal implant material, your dentist will consider several factors, including:

  • The opposing teeth — if you have other dental restorations, you should ensure they blend well with your all-on implants in appearance and function.
  • Teeth-grinding issues — Materials like acrylic are not ideal if you have teeth-grinding issues because the material is easily damaged
  • Your oral health — The doctor will consider your oral health when choosing the right implant material.
  • Your age —If you are young and have more years to live, zirconia would be a great option because it is more durable than other materials.
  • Your budget — The price of the all-on implants will depend on the materials used in making them. Zirconia is the most expensive dental restoration, while acrylic implants are the cheapest. The amount you are willing to spend on the dental implants will determine the material you choose.

Here is a detailed look into the materials used for the all-on dental implants:

Acrylic Implants

These are the conventional options for dental implants made of titanium. If you are working with a low budget, your doctor can recommend titanium implants. The implants are also suitable if you do not grind your teeth. These implants are available in all sizes and are easy to fix. However, these dental implants do not offer the aesthetic value of other implant materials. If your all-on dental implants are acrylic, you must be careful with them because they are susceptible to damage.

Porcelain Implants

These dental implants are porcelain and designed like bridges and crowns. They are more long-lasting than acrylic implants. A leading benefit of porcelain dental implants is that they are easy to customize. The main drawback of porcelain implants is that they are difficult to repair in case of damage. You will probably need new restorations when your porcelain implants are damaged.

Zirconia Implants

This is the latest dental implant material. Zirconia is the strongest implant material compared to other dental restoration materials. The material also resembles the natural tooth color. Zirconia is also easy to customize. However, these implants are costly and require impeccable skills to install. Whichever implant material you choose, you must ensure that only a qualified and experienced dentist installs the implants.

Candidacy For All-on Dental Implants

While all-on dental implants offer many benefits, not everyone is a candidate for the implants. The candidacy of all-on dental implants depends on several factors. Here is what makes you a good candidate for dental implants:

Sufficient Jawbone Density

The all-on dental implants require the patient to have sufficient jawbone to support them. Your dentist will use X-rays and CT scans to assess your jawbone density and ensure adequate bone supports the implants. If the jawbone is insufficient, your dentist can recommend additional procedures like a sinus lift or bone grafting.

Good Oral Health

A candidate for all-on implants should have good oral health, including healthy gums. The doctor must treat existing conditions like dental cavities or gum disease before the implant procedure. Treating the existing dental conditions ensures a healthy environment for the dental implants.

Commitment to Oral Hygiene

A candidate for all-on dental implants must be committed to good dental hygiene practices. You must be committed to brushing your teeth regularly, flossing, and having the dentist check your teeth regularly for your dental implants' overall health and success. Also, you must understand the importance of good oral health and be willing to follow the dentist's recommendations.

Overall Health Assessment

The dentist considers your overall health and medical history when determining whether you are a good candidate for all-on dental implants. Certain health conditions and medications can impact the healing process and elevate the risk of complications. It is crucial to disclose any existing medical conditions, allergies, or medications you are on during the initial consultation. This will help the dentist determine if the conditions interfere with the implant procedure.

Realistic Expectations

Candidates for all-on dental implants must have realistic expectations regarding the treatment outcomes. While implants generally offer excellent results, it is important to note that the outcome could differ from person to person. Consult your dentist first to have a clear understanding of the potential outcomes. 

All-on Dental Implant Procedure

The all-on procedure begins with a comprehensive evaluation by an experienced dental expert to determine your suitability for the treatment. Some factors the dentist considers include your overall oral health, medical history, and bone density. Your dentist will likely employ digital imaging and computer-guided surgery to perform the procedure. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of the treatment process, from the initial consultation to the final restoration:

Initial Consultation

The treatment begins with an initial consultation with a dental expert experienced in implant dentistry. During the consultation, your dentist will evaluate your oral health and discuss your treatment goals and expectations to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. The dentist can use 3D imaging, X-rays, and CT scans to assess the condition of the jawbone and plan the placement of a dental implant.

Planning The Treatment

When the dentist decides you are a good candidate for all-on implants, the next step involves planning the treatment. Your dentist will create a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. The plan includes the number of dental implants needed and the design of the final restoration. The dental team works with the patient to ensure the treatment plan aligns with the patient's goals. After the assessment, the dentist will determine whether you qualify for All-on-4, All-on-6, or All-on-X treatment. 

Additional Procedure

If you do not have sufficient bone density to support the dental implants, the dentist can perform a bone graft before the implant procedure. The dental expert can use fragments from your body or a donor when performing a bone graft. You must wait several months after bone grafting for the bone to regenerate and be ready for implant placement.

Preparation For The Procedure

The preparation step comes after you have discussed your treatment goals with your dentist, including how your teeth should look. Your dentist will give you some pre-operative instructions. The dentist can also give you some medication before the treatment day. You do not have to worry, even if you are anxious about the treatment. The dentist will administer anesthesia, numb the surgical site, and allow you to relax through the treatment.

Implant Placement

During the procedure, you will be under local anesthesia. If necessary, your dentist can recommend general anesthesia to enhance your comfort. The dentist will surgically place the all-on implants into your jawbone. The dentist positions two implants vertically in front of every arch, and the others are aligned toward the back. The strategic positioning of the implants enhances stability and utilizes your jawbone for support.

Temporary Prosthetic Teeth

After placing the implant, your dentist will place a set of temporary prosthetic teeth on the implants. The prosthetic teeth are an aesthetic and functional replacement during the healing process. The healing process can take several months. The temporary prosthetic teeth help you enjoy a natural-looking smile and maintain normal oral function as the dental implants integrate with your jawbone.


The implants undergo the process of osseointegration over time. Osseointegration is the process through which dental implants fuse with the surrounding bone. The integration ensures a strong foundation for the final restoration. The time it takes for the implant to integrate into the jawbone varies from one person to the next. Generally, it takes several months for the implants to integrate fully.

Final Restoration

After the osseointegration, the dentist replaces the temporary prosthetic teeth with a custom-made, permanent dental arch. The doctor crafts the final restoration to match your teeth' shape, natural color, and alignment. Your dentist will ensure that the restoration offers optimal functionality and aesthetics to enable you to enjoy a beautiful and functional smile.

Follow-up Care

After placing the final restoration, your dentist will give you detailed instructions on how to take care of your all-on dental implants. You need regular dental check-ups and cleanings for the longevity of the implants. During the follow-up appointments, the dentist will monitor the health of the implants and how they function and address any issues or concerns. The all-on dental implant procedure provides a streamlined process, giving you a permanent, fully functional, and natural-looking set of teeth. You can enjoy the benefits of improved oral function and a confident smile, provided you follow the appropriate post-operative care.

Recovery After Placement Of All-on Dental Implants

After receiving All-on-4, All-on-6, or All-on-X implants, you need proper aftercare to ensure the successful healing and durability of the implants. Below are the crucial aspects of the recovery period and the post-operative guidelines:

After The Treatment

After the placement of the all-on dental implants, it is normal to experience discomfort, minor bleeding, and swelling. Your dentist can recommend pain relievers to help you manage the discomfort. You can reduce swelling by applying ice packs outside your face. It is crucial to ensure that you follow your dentist's post-operative instructions, including taking prescribed antibiotics.

Nutrition And Diet

You should stick to a soft-food diet during the healing process to avoid putting pressure on the implants and the surgical site. Avoid hard, chewy, or sticky foods since they can disrupt healing. Go for soft, nutritious foods like soups, mashed potatoes, soups, cooked vegetables, and smoothies. You can reintroduce the solid foods gradually, as advised by your dentist.

Proper Oral Hygiene Practices

Maintaining proper oral hygiene practices is crucial for the long-term success of your all-on implants. Ensure that you adhere to all the oral hygiene instructions your dentist provides. These can include gentle brushing, flossing, and using antimicrobial mouthwash. You should use a soft-bristle toothbrush when brushing your teeth. Visit your dentist regularly to have any plaque or tartar that accumulates on your teeth removed.

Avoid Alcohol And Smoking

You should avoid smoking or consuming alcohol during the recovery period because this could slow the healing process or increase the risk of complications. By limiting your alcohol intake and refraining from smoking, you can enhance the recovery period by optimizing healing. This also enhances the long-term success of your implants.

Regular Dental Check-Ups

Even when the initial healing phase is complete, it is crucial to undergo regular dental check-ups to maintain the health and longevity of your all-on implants. Your dentist will monitor the condition of your implants. The dentist will also monitor the fit and function of the arch. If need be, the dentist will perform adjustments to ensure optimal functionality.

Communication With Your Dental Professional

You should not hesitate to contact your dentist if you experience any unusual symptoms, concerns, or discomfort during recovery. With open communication, any issues that arise can be addressed promptly. The dentist can also make the necessary adjustments or interventions to enhance a successful outcome.

The Benefits Of All-on-4, All-on-6, And All-on-X Implants

Compared to conventional dental implants, all-on implants provide patients with a wide range of benefits, including:

Enhanced Aesthetics

The all-on dental implants deliver high-aesthetic, natural-looking results that resemble your natural teeth. The final dental restoration is customized to match your facial features. You will have an attractive and harmonious smile. The implants eliminate the visible gaps in your teeth, enhancing your confidence and appearance.

Enhanced Oral Function

With all-on dental implants, patients can enjoy excellent oral function and regain their ability to consume various foods. Unlike conventional dentures that can slip or cause discomfort when talking or eating, the all-on implant offers a firm foundation for biting and chewing. You can enjoy your favorite foods without restrictions. This promotes a healthier diet and overall well-being.

Long Lasting

The all-on implants are reliable and long-lasting. The strategic placement and the use of high-quality materials provide excellent support for prosthetic teeth. Your implants can last for many years with good oral hygiene and routine dental check-ups. All-on implants offer a permanent solution for tooth loss.

Preserve Your Facial Structure

With tooth loss, your jawbone can deteriorate, causing a sunken appearance and changes in your facial structure. The all-on implants stimulate jawbone growth, prevent bone loss, and preserve the natural contours of your face. This positively impacts your overall facial aesthetics and contributes to a youthful appearance.

Convenience And Time Efficiency

The all-on implants provide a streamlined treatment process compared to conventional implant-supported dental restorations. For example, when the dentist utilizes only four implants per arch, it eliminates the need for additional surgical procedures like bone grafting. This shortens the overall treatment and recovery period and minimizes the patient's discomfort.

Improved Quality Of Life

All-on-4, All-on-6, and All-on-X dental implants can significantly improve your quality of life. Restoring function and a beautiful smile can boost self-esteem, confidence, and social interactions. Most patients report feeling comfortable talking, smiling in public, and eating, leading to a higher quality of life and improved well-being.

The Complications Associated With All-on Dental Implants

Using dental implants to replace missing teeth is becoming more popular. All-on-4, All-on-6, and All-on-X implants are life-changing procedures. However, even if the dental implant procedure is relatively safe, there is a slight risk of complications. Some of the potential risks associated with all-on dental implants are:

Allergic Reaction To Anesthesia

Placement of implants is an invasive procedure. Before the procedure, your dental expert administers anesthesia to ensure you do not feel pain during surgery. The doctor will likely recommend local anesthesia if you are not nervous about the procedure. If you want to sleep through the process, your dentist can recommend general anesthesia. Some people develop allergic reactions to anesthesia. You should disclose your allergies and medical history to your dentist to eliminate this risk.

Implant Failure

Most all-on dental implants are successful after the first attempt. However, there is a likelihood of implant failure. Implant failure occurs when the dental implant does not fuse with the jawbone. Implant failure is devastating. The good news is that you can still undergo another procedure. Your dentist cannot predict the likelihood that your implant will fail. However, the following can increase the risk of implant failure:

  • Smoking
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Chewing or biting hard foods before your implant heals properly

Bone Fractures

Your dentist must drill the jawbone to attach the titanium post that supports the artificial implants. If your jawbone is already damaged or if the dentist uses excessive force, you could suffer a bone fracture. Bone fractures take an extended time to heal, which could delay the implant procedure. The best to eliminate the risk of bone fracture is by seeking the help of an experienced implant surgeon.

Development Of An Infection

There is little to no risk of infection after placement of dental implants, provided you work with an experienced dentist. The leading cause of infection is contamination of medical equipment. Patient factors like compromised immunity and failure to follow the recommended aftercare instructions can also increase the risk of infection. The signs that the dental implant could be infected include:

  • Red or swollen gums around the implant
  • Loose or wobbly implants
  • Tad breath or a bad taste in your mouth
  • Pain around the dental implant
  • Bleeding gums, especially when brushing
  • Fever

The best way to avoid an infection is by following your dentist's aftercare instructions and upholding good oral hygiene.

Find An Experienced Implant Dentist Near Me

Tooth loss can subject you to many problems, including making it difficult to chew food and speak. Losing your teeth can also affect your smile and confidence. All-on dental implants are a proven remedy for tooth loss, especially if you have lost multiple teeth. You can opt for All-on-4, All-on-6, or All-on-X implants. The choice of your dental implant specialist will affect the outcome of your implants. If you need an experienced implant dentist in Santa Clarita, CA, contact Valencia Advanced Dentistry At Copperhill Smiles. Contact us at 661-775-7717  to speak to one of our dentists.