Lumineers are custom-made porcelain shells glued to the front surface of your teeth. Your dentist recommends lumineers if you have discolored, misaligned, broken, or crooked teeth. The lumineers mimic your natural teeth' natural color and shine, improving their appearance and smile.

The fitting of lumineers is more straightforward compared to that of traditional veneers. This is because little or no tooth enamel must be filed to attach the lumineers. For this reason, lumineers provide a conservative alternative to traditional veneers. Fitting veneers involves an initial assessment, taking a mold of your teeth, and fitting the custom-made shells.

Lumineers can last up to twenty years. However, you must care for your teeth correctly after the procedure. This means maintaining good oral hygiene, regular dental visits, and avoiding habits like teeth grinding. If you seek to improve your smile through lumineers in Santa Clarita, you will benefit from our expert services at Valencia Advanced Dentistry at Copperhill Smiles.

What are Lumineers?

Lumineers are a cosmetic dental treatment that makes teeth whiter and straighter. Unlike traditional veneers, lumineers are made of thin porcelain material attached to the visible part of tooth enamel. Most people undergo this cosmetic procedure to conceal minor dental flaws.?

Studies show that lumineers can last up to twenty years with proper care. However, lumineers do not protect teeth from bacteria. If you fail to practice oral health care, your tooth could decay, impacting the veneers' longevity.

Many people are concerned about the danger that fitting lumineers could cause their teeth. However, this procedure does not damage enamel. Your dentist will not file down your enamel to fit the lumineers.

Your dentist will recommend veneers if you are dealing with the following dental issues:

Discolored Teeth

Tooth discoloration occurs when the shine and color of your teeth change to brown or gray. Your teeth may be discolored from drinking red wine, tea, and coffee. Additionally, the prolonged use of certain medicines can distort the color of your teeth. Lumineers cover the surface of your teeth and restore their shine.

Chipped Teeth

Trauma to your teeth can cause them to chip. If you are embarrassed about your chipped teeth, lumineers can offer a permanent solution and change your outlook.

Misshapen teeth

Misshapen teeth have a distorted smile and appearance. This could cause a person to be overly conscious when interacting with others. You can correct the misshapen teeth using lumineers.

Crooked Teeth

Lumineers offer a fast and less invasive alternative to braces and aligners. When you undergo a lumineers procedure, you can have a perfect smile without lengthy orthodontic procedures.

Broken Teeth

Your teeth could crack or break due to the trauma of chewing hard foods or grinding your teeth. Broken teeth can impact your outlook. Fitting your teeth with lumineers could make your teeth look longer and conceal the broken part.

Gaps Between Teeth

Gaps between your teeth may impact your smile and your ability to chew correctly. You can reduce these gaps with lumineers, which are non-invasive veneers. Not all individuals with tooth imperfections are candidates for lumineers. This cosmetic procedure may be an option for you if you meet the following requirements:

You Have Enough Tooth Enamel.

Like traditional veneers, lumineers are placed on the tooth enamel. A small amount of the enamel will be shaved off before placing the lumineers. The verbs will not be supported if you have damaged tooth enamel. If you have no tooth enamel to support the lumineers, your dentist can recommend alternatives like dental crowns.

You have Healthy Gums and Teeth

Lumineers may not work if you have other dental complications like gum disease and cavities. Therefore, your dentist will recommend resolving the dental problems before the cosmetic procedure. Lumineers will not protect you from further enamel damage if you have cavities.

You don't Grind your Teeth

Teeth grinding is a common cause of enamel damage. Therefore, the habit can damage your lumineers and reduce their longevity. You will not be a good candidate for this procedure if you grind or clench your teeth. However, your dentist can treat the problem before fitting the lumineers.

The Process of Fitting Lumineers

Correcting your dental floss with lumineers is done through the following steps:

Initial Consultation

You must have healthy gums and teeth before undergoing a lumineers procedure. Additionally, you just need enough tooth enamel to support the porcelain shoes. During your first appointment, if you have an underlying dental complication, the dentist will address it before the lumineers procedure.

If you have healthy teeth and gums, the dentist will take an impression of your teeth. This helps make custom lumineers that appropriately fit your teeth' length and width.

Fitting the Lumineers

On the day of fitting your lumineers, your dentist will file down your tooth enamel slightly before attaching the lumineers to your teeth with special cement. The lumineers often feel comfortable and natural and do not cause a bulky feeling on your teeth.

Your dentist will give you tips on how to ensure the longevity of your lumineers. Additionally, you must make dental visits at least every six months. During these visits, your dentist will check for any damage to the lumineers.

Advantages of Lumineers

Correcting your dental flaws and improving your smile has the following benefits:

  • Minimal tooth reduction. Lumineers are thin porcelain shells, so attaching them to your teeth will not create a bulky feeling. For this reason, your dentist will not need to remove a large portion of your tooth enamel, which helps reduce the likelihood of tooth sensitivity.
  • Lumineers are stain-resistant. Unlike other cosmetic procedures like bonding and whitening, lumineers are more resistant to staining. This allows the procedure to serve you longer.
  • The procedure is reversible. The dentist removes little or no tooth enamel before attaching the lumineers, which can be reversed.

Care for Liuminers

Lumineers are a great solution to improve the appearance of your teeth and correct minor imperfections like cracks, chips, and discoloration of the tooth enamel. This procedure offers lasting results and is relatively easy to maintain. However, lumineers require ongoing treatment to enhance their performance and longevity. Your dentist can recommend the following tips to care for your lumineers when the procedure is completed:

Proper Oral Hygiene

The key to a beautiful and healthy smile is ensuring that you have good oral hygiene habits. Lumineers help restore the shine and color of your teeth. However, you must ensure that your teeth are always clean to avoid further staining and accumulating bacteria that could cause tooth decay. The important components of good oral hygiene include:

  • Brushing Twice a Day

Brushing your teeth is the most basic form of hygiene. It helps remove leftover food particles from your teeth and gums. After fitting lumineers, your dentist will recommend brushing at least twice daily.

You must also use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush gently to avoid damaging the lumineers. Your dentist will recommend toothpaste appropriate for lumineers, and you should avoid whitening products.

  • Flossing Regularly

Flossing is an important part of lumineers' care. It helps remove food particles lodged between the lumineers. Flossing should be done at least once a day and involves gentle swings of the floss around the lumineers.

Avoid Staining Agents

Although lumineers are stain-resistant, food substances like coffee, red wine, tea, and tobacco can stain your natural teeth. Lumineers are applied to the front part of the tooth. Therefore, the rear part is still exposed to potential discoloration. You can protect your teeth from further staining by rinsing your mouth and teeth after consuming these foods and drinks.

Additionally, you can quit habits like smoking, which not only stains your teeth but can impact your overall oral health.

Make Regular dental Visits

Your trips to the dentist do not end when your teeth are fitted with lumineers. Scheduling regular visits allows for an assessment to determine the onset of complications with your lumineers. During these visits, your dentist can advise you on proper care of your teeth and treat any complications that arise with your lumineers.

Mind your Chewing Habits

Lumineers can restore your smile by covering discolored, stained, or damaged teeth. However, their longevity may depend on your diet and chewing habits. A common complication of lumineers is dialog-ding or damage, which could prevent the procedure from serving its intended purpose.

Damage to veneers may result from trauma to the teeth, which is caused by chewing hard foods and using your teeth as tools. Although veneers are highly durable, you should avoid chewing ice, hard nuts, and opening cans with your teeth. If you engage in vigorous contact sports, you must wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth and veneers from breakage.

Address Teeth Grinding

Bruxism of teeth grinding causes extreme pressure on your tooth enamel and can cause damage to your lumineers. Therefore, you must address the issue to improve the function and longevity of your lumineers. Your dentist can recommend that you use a custom-fitted nightguard.

Complications Associated with Lumineers

Lumineers are a type of veneer that requires less invasive procedures to fit. Your dentist can recommend lumineers to restore your smile and address imperfections in your teeth. However, like other dental procedures, some complications could arise with your lumineers procedure, including:

Slight tooth Sensitivity

Although lumineers are less invasive than traditional veneers, your dentist will remove a portion of the tooth enamel to fit the lumineers. This helps prevent the tooth from feeling bulky, but filling down your tooth to fit the lumineers increases the risk of sensitivity.

Tooth sensitivity refers to the pain or discomfort you experience when eating or drinking hot and cold foods.

Color inconsistencies

Many patients opt for lumineers to improve the color and shine of their natural teeth. Unfortunately, you may not be able to achieve this due to the color inconsistencies associated with the procedures. Several factors could impact the color of your lumineers, including the underlying tooth's hue and the bonding material's color.

Gum Tissue Response

Gum tissues are not quick to adjust to the foreign material you attach to your tooth. Therefore, you may experience inflammation and discomfort after the procedure. The discomfort may be disturbing before the gums are used for the procedure.

Damage to the Lumineers

Lumineers can serve you for several years when installed correctly and when you care for them with the tips given by your dentist. However, for individuals with habits like teeth grinding and clenching, the likelihood of damaging the lumineers is high. Therefore, your dentist may recommend that you have a teeth-grinding problem treated or undergo an alternative cosmetic procedure.

Cost of Lumineers in California

Cost is a critical factor when seeking to brighten your smile using lumineers. The average cost of lumineers ranges from $800 to $2500 per tooth. The exact cost of your procedure will vary depending on the following factors:

  • The number of teeth you need to be treated. The more teeth you need to fit with lumineers, the higher the procedure cost.
  • The complexity of your situation. You may be a candidate for lumineers if you're dealing with various dental imperfections, including discoloration, chipping, and cracked enamel. Your procedure will cost you more if your case is complex.
  • Requirement for additional procedures. Your cosmetic dentist cannot fit lumineers on damaged or decayed teeth. If additional dental problems must be addressed before fitting the lumineers, your procedure will be more costly.

Lumineers are a cosmetic treatment procedure. Therefore, your dental insurance provider may be unable to help you cover the cost of the procedure.

Alternatives to Luminers

Everyone deserves a bright smile. However, not all individuals with cosmetic dental flaws are good candidates for lumineers. If you have severely damaged teeth or your flaws are too complex to fix with veneers, you can explore other procedures, including:


Crowns are dental restorations made of ceramic, metal, or porcelain. Unlike lumineers, which cover the front part of your tooth, crowns cover the entire tooth enamel. Crowns are custom-made to fit the natural color and shine of your teeth. The crowns serve a cosmetic and restorative purpose because they strengthen the structure of your tooth and restore its color.

Although they are more durable than lumineers, crowns can still chip and break. Additionally, depending on the number of teeth that need crowns, the cost of crowns may be higher than the cost of the cost of veneers. The benefit of crowns is that the procedure is restorative and can be partially covered by Delta insurance.


Bonding is an efficient solution for chipped or discolored teeth. The procedure covers the flawed tooth with a layer of composite material. Unlike crowns, less of your natural tooth enamel must be removed to bond your teeth. After applying the bonding material to your tooth, the dentist will shape it to achieve the desired look.

Dental Sealing

Dental sealing is not as stain-resistant as lumineers and traditional veneers. However, the procedure costs much less. After prenatal sealing, you must take care of your teeth and avoid habits like grinding, which damage them.

Teeth Whitening

Another common alternative to veneers is teeth whitening. While you can apply tooth whitening agents at home, professional whitening may be necessary to address severely discolored teeth.

Before teeth whitening, your dentist will examine your teeth for decay or other problems. These problems must be addressed before the procedure. Professional teeth whitening involves applying a bleaching agent to your teeth and shining UV light to activate their whitening properties.

Your dentist may recommend using whitening trays at home to maintain your teeth's color and shine. Although tooth whitening is more affordable, it does not last as long as lumineers.


Your dentist may recommend lumineers to cover the gaps between teeth. However, lumineers can solve your misaligned or crooked teeth if the issue is mild. Braces or Invisalign may be a more viable procedure for patients with severely misaligned teeth.

Modern braces are less invisible than traditional metal braces, and Invisalign is completely invisible. However, Invisalign and braces cost more, and you may need to wait months or years for significant results.

Find a Competent Cosmetic Dentist Near Me

Dental imperfections like tooth discoloration, staining, and chipping can impact your smile and self-esteem. Fortunately, you can have these imperfections corrected by undergoing cosmetic procedures like fitting lumineers. Lumineers are a type of veneer that is less invasive to fit, and they improve the color and shine of your teeth.

Lumineers are preferred over traditional veneer beds because the dentist only needs to strip little or no tooth enamel to fit the lumineers. This is because of their skin structure and ability to mimic the shine of natural teeth. Before you undergo the procedure of fitting lumineers, your dentist will assess the health of your gums and teeth to ensure that you are a good candidate for the procedure.

The outcome of your cosmetic procedure can significantly impact your oral health and well-being. Therefore, you should not entrust it to any dentist in Santa Clarita. At Valencia Advanced Dentistry at Copperhill Smiles, we offer our clients reliable, safe, and affordable cosmetic dental procedures. Contact us at 661-775-7717 to book an appointment.